Prayer Ministry



          Prayer Meeting/Bible Study

                Wednesday Evening









PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS ALL OVER THE WORLD                                    

CUBA MINISTRY                                                                                              

OTHER CONCERNS:                                                                                                             

Rachelle Lynch & Family                                                                                                                                        

Lisa Scott’s Nephew & Family                                                                                                                                                                            

Pastor Search Committee                                                                                              

Rhett & Kim Mauldin (Health & Other)

Melissa Sazada

Association (Associational Mission Strategist)                    


Military (Men and Women)

Church and Leaders

School / Teachers / Students  

Health Department

Daniel Klock (Salvation/Health) 

Ruth (Joyce’s Daughter-Salvation) 

Nicole & Todd Ratliff                     

Roger Sadousky


Ashley Bratcher (Pregnancy-Gestational Diabetes)

Jeffery Williams (Open Heart Surgery-Recovering)

Richard’s friend (Lung Cancer-Treatments)

Lisa Scott (Hip and Back Pain-Procedures scheduled)

Renee Hill (Unspoken Health)

Natasha Elam (Tom’s Daughter-Thyroid problems)

Don Hires (Heart Trouble/Treatments)

Fallon Lynch (Stomach Pain-high protein)

Brad Hatcher (Health-Gotten Worse)

W.O. Newman (Cancer)

Sally Lago (Stage 4 Colon Cancer)

Allen Swain

Donna Baxter (8 rounds of Chemo)

Nicole Mock (Bone Cancer)

Mike Massey (Pancreatic Cancer)

Judy Steen (Tumor)

(Diane) Charles Carlton

Gail Lawson (Breast Cancer-Surgery-Recovering)

Leah Frost (Cancer)

(Jerry) Shelly Cruce (Health Problems)

Ava Lynch (stomach pain)

Gene Scott (Stroke in Eye-Losing Sight)/Anne Scott (Severe Headaches-16 yrs.)

Marilyn Lee (Blood Pressure)                                                                    

Loretta Houtch (Joyce’s Daughter-Bad Health-Treatments)

Thomas (Bob’s brother-Health Problems)

Betty Dickert (Bob’s Mom-Cancer-Spread/Salvation)

*If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, please write it down and give it to the pastor or call the church office. Thank you.